it was a busy day yesterday. my school friend had a psychology test and she was supposed to take the subject with her. i went along with her to bishop cotton womens college. nice college but not too impressive. i would say my engineering college is better than that!
she went in at 10:00 a.m. i sat down with the other subjects!! i started talking to the girl next to me. after a few short replies she got occupied with her cell. the guy sitting next to me started breaking his knuckles. after some thinking, i started the conversation. he was from tanzania, east africa.
he was very soft spoken and was doing his masters somewhere i couldnt hear. he said he was in bangalore since 4 years. there is this special quality about people who come from a different place. they start exploring and finally end up knowing more about the place than the localites. he spoke very good english with the right amount of slang and expressions. had a very good time interacting with him.
i was called in twice and was given a questionnaire each time. now the questions in the paper were most annoying. in the first sheet, for each question, i had to tick the choice with which i strongly agreed and put a cross for the choice with which i strongly disagreed. here is an example:
poetry should :
a) depict reality of the society
b) describe loveliness of the subject
c) provide entertainment
i agreed with a and disagreed with c since poetry should be written for a cause and the loveliness of the subject would come through even if the poet didnt mention it. ok that was easy. now try this.
God can be reached through:
a) social service
b) devotion
c) hard work
all three seem equally good. i agreed with c disagreed with b coz if u help yourself and help others then even if you dont do regular puja God will definitely like you.
but the results wernt so pleasing. i got a low value for belief in religion and God and also a low value for aesthetic sense which is interest in fine arts!!
similar dumb questions were asked in the second paper. there were five choices: strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, strongly disagree.
1. you are on time for appointments - strongly agree
2. you feel rushed - agree
3. you work within deadlines - agree
4. you feel guilty while taking rest - disagree
the next part was the same question asked in a different way.
1. you take apointments casually - strongly disagree
2. you feel relaxed - disagree
3. you work at your own speed - disagree
4. you often take a break after continuous work - agree
my analysis says i take work casually, m patient, moderate, calm, dont take jobs which cause physical pain?!? what sort of analysis is this??? does anyone know??
anyways my friend got really good marks 29/30!!
we went for lunch later on. we know each other since school so it was wonderful chatting about old times. we have made a lot of plans to keep in touch and meet regularly. hope something materializes!! :)